
| 小龍0







男:今天,華燈閃爍的華美學(xué)園中期盼已久的熊博士和圣誕老人又向我們走來了. 女:here comes the santa claus!


女:let`s welcome the santa claus with the cheerful singing and dancing performed by huamei kindergarten children! 謝謝32名小朋友和全體幼兒園教師帶給我們節(jié)日(喜洋洋)的心情和氣氛.

(2) 女:你喜歡唱歌嗎 男:那當(dāng)然! 女:那你喜歡唱什么歌 男:那還用問,流行歌. 女:可這些歌適合我們唱嗎 男:這......確實(shí)是個(gè)問題,不如我們來聽聽他們是怎么說的吧!請欣賞群口相聲(哪有我們能唱的歌).

(3)男:在全校的幾十個(gè)課外興趣小組中,木琴小組是一個(gè)多月前才成立的.但我們的小學(xué)生已經(jīng)想向大家匯報(bào)了.這次他們將和鋼琴,電子琴的同學(xué)合作.大膽嘗試民族樂和西洋樂相結(jié)合. 女:xylophone performing group was just established one month ago, but our players are eager to show us their talents and achievement. now, they will cooperate with the students playing piano and electronic keyboard to present us a creative integration of local and western music. please appreciate the instrumental ensemble— 請欣賞樂器合奏 ( 烏蘇里船歌)( 快樂的羅嗦),讓我們用掌聲鼓勵(lì)這些初次登臺(tái)的同學(xué)們.

(4)(here comes santa claus) 下一個(gè)幽默,短小具有西方風(fēng)情的舞蹈將由來自三大洲的演員們獻(xiàn)上.我相信,你們一定猜到他們就是今年剛剛?cè)雽W(xué)的小學(xué)部國際班的同學(xué)們.

(5)女:手牽手我的朋友,愛永遠(yuǎn)在你左右,因?yàn)槟愫臀?才有明天的彩虹; 手牽手我們共同走過人生的風(fēng)雨歷程,母校啊,你見證我們的成長! 今天我們迎來了幾十名校友,他們有的剛從海外大學(xué)回到家鄉(xiāng),有的白天還在國內(nèi)的名校教室中刻苦攻讀.93級(jí)--95級(jí)同學(xué)與中學(xué)部高二同學(xué)聯(lián)合演唱的(手牽手),將為我們牽出今夜歸來的校友,牽出他們給母校華美的祝福和問侯.

(6) 男:華美是學(xué)園,樂園.我們在這里學(xué)習(xí)生活,享受著無盡的歡樂與溫馨.看!我們的快樂英語是我們的好朋友.請欣賞小學(xué)英語戲劇(獅子王) 女:huamei is a

paradise for us to learn and enjoy life. we are here happily growing physically and mentally, with teachers&39; and students&39; love and caring. look, here come our good friends---happy english group. let&39;s appreciate their english play " lion king".

(7)女:小小天鵝初長成,欲展舞姿獻(xiàn)客人. 男:經(jīng)過4年的努力學(xué)習(xí),她們終于掂起腳尖,,, 女:看,一群美麗,高貴的小天鵝向我們們走來了.請欣賞芭蕾舞(海盜)片段:花園圓舞曲. 男:look, some little swans are flying toward us to show us their elegant and graceful dancing. let&39;s enjoy an episode from the classical ballet (海盜)

(8)男:有音樂的地方就有歡樂,有音樂的地方就有新的希望. 讓我們從多來咪出發(fā),

去尋找音樂帶給我們的歡樂與希望. 請欣賞閻穎老師帶領(lǐng)全體幼兒園大班小朋友表演的電影(音樂之聲)片段(多來咪). 女:where there is music, there is joy; where there is music, there&39;s hope. let&39;s start with do re me to explore the joys and hopes. now let&39;s welcome the kindergarten kids to perform do re me, adapted from the famous movie---the sound of music。



Li: Greetings to all distinguished guests and friends


Li: Ladies and Gentlemen


Li: Good Evening to all of you


Li: We would like to welcome all of you to the 2010 Vanqun Jubilee Evening to celebrate a joyful Christmas Eve tonight. My name is Cao, I will serve as your co-host tonight,


Li: And my name is Chen, and I will serve as your other co-host.


Li: Tonight under a brilliant night, bathed in sparkling star lights, we have gathered here tonight to share a wonderful time together


Li: The evening is ablaze with lights, and the night shines with colorful brilliance, this is indeed a joyful time for all of us to be gathered together of the night


Li: During our company’s seven-years journey, we managed to maintain our smile while weathering many stormy rains


Li: During our company’s seven yearly seasons, we managed to saw the seeds of trust and reap many sunny days


Li: Today, under the brilliant lights of Vanqun City, we wait with anticipation the arrival of Santa Claus, bearing cheers and joy


Li: Let us all rejoice in songs and laughter in welcoming the blessings of Santa Claus


Li: At this auspicious moment of the arrival of the new year, we would like to wish all our beloved property owners and distinguished guests long lasting health, happiness to the entire family, and a Merry Christmas! 曹:真摯的旋律訴不完翩翩的回憶,七彩的霓虹點(diǎn)綴著迷人的夜,在這一年一度平安夜夜晚,在這吉祥如意喜慶的日子里,非常高興能夠與各位業(yè)主歡聚一堂,共同參加‖一起來,圣誕狂歡!―暨2010年萬泉城社區(qū)嘉年華晚會(huì)。幸福就在我們身邊,這座以成熟的姿態(tài),鍛造出自然、人文共生的巴厘假日海濱生活的―花時(shí)間一生之城‖,將在今天為我們貯存這杯溫馨紅酒,讓它愈久靡香。今天,在這個(gè)激動(dòng)人心的時(shí)刻里,讓我們用最熱烈的掌聲有請:萬泉房產(chǎn)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)訴說這座―燈亮,花開,水流,人和―之城的心聲。有請萬泉房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)有限公司總經(jīng)理走上舞臺(tái)致歡迎辭!掌聲有請!

Li: An enchanting melody can rekindle endless memories, colorful neon lights can illuminate the most mesmerizing night. On this peaceful and festive night, we are happy to be able to gather here with all our honored property owners to celebrate the annual Christmas event sponsored by Vanqun City. Happiness is abounding in this well-planned, nature-inspired ―City of Flowers‖ which is very much in the class of the famous and tranquil Bali holiday beach life. We will be merry and enjoy the exquisite and lasting flagrance of red wine. Tonight, in this exciting moment of celebration, let us put our hands together and give a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the Chairman of Vanqun City to come on stage to say a few words of encouragement and greetings. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the general manager!


3. Vanqun City general manager, Mr. Yang’s Speech (19:50)


Li: Thank you General Manager Yang. During the past seven years, Vanqun City has made significant

inroads into the real estate market, a successful phenomenon that is clear for all to see. We have successfully built a city of leisure and luxury, a paradigm of Beihai’s tourist and real estate development industry. We have established not only a place of abode, but have fostered a paradise wonderland for a multi-colored living, a warm and cozy hearth, and a life-time of home sweet home.


4. Performances (19:55 – 21:10)


Choir Singing (Christmas Carol) (Snow Flakes Flower) – By the Little Friends

2.歌舞,小提琴獨(dú)奏——【外國嘉賓】(20:10 20:20)

2. Song and Dance, Violin Solo Performance – By Foreign Guest Performer

3.樂隊(duì)演奏 生日祝福——【123樂隊(duì)】(20:30)

3. Band Performance Birthday Wishes – by 123 Band (20:30)


Li: In the warm bosom of Vanqun City, the world of the children is beautiful and pure, tonight Vanqun City is equally pure and tranquil, so let us all immerse in the tranquility of the night, let the sparks of our emotion ignite the passion of our life, and let us all enjoy the exciting performance of these lovely children, who will now help us to open the first program of this evening’s Christmas festivities!

陳:謝謝小朋友們送來的如此美妙的歌聲!圣誕節(jié)是個(gè)普天同慶的節(jié)日。它超越了國界,超越了種族,超越了你我的心靈。只要完美的音樂和動(dòng)人的舞姿才能沉淀出它的光芒。讓我們承載無盡的祝福,用有力的步伐登上狂歡圣誕,為萬泉的明天書寫上絢麗一筆。讓我們從這里出發(fā),和外國朋友們一起尋找圣誕歌舞帶給我們的歡樂與希望。請欣賞外國嘉賓為我們帶來的歌舞及小提琴獨(dú)奏,來!掌聲有請——歌舞,小提琴獨(dú)奏【外國嘉賓】(20:10 20:20)

Li: Thank you kids for giving us such beautiful singing performance. Christmas season has become a universal holiday celebration. It transcends national boundaries, cultural ethnicities, and infiltrates our hearts and souls. The beautiful music in combination with elegant dancing precipitates in the brilliance of the performance. Let us all rejoice and enjoy the boundless cheers, while we march forward to greet Vanqun for a brilliant tomorrow. In fact, let us begin from this moment in welcoming our friends and guests from foreign land who will perform for us a dance and a solo violin recital. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a big hand to --- (name of the performers)


我們要把真誠的祝福,濃縮在圣誕老人送來的甜蜜蛋糕和禮物中,在此安謐的節(jié)日,送給今天和本周呱呱墜地過生日的人們. 讓我們和襯著紅杉皓須的慈愛老人一起,祝愿他們快樂永遠(yuǎn)!天天好心情!

Li: Thank you our overseas friends for presenting such as a wonderful and exciting performance for all of us to enjoy. Now, friends and guests, at this juncture, we would like to give our sincere gratitude to Santa Claus for giving the delicious cake and wonderful gifts to all the lucky folks who were born and celebrating their birthdays during this week. Along with Santa Claus, let us all wish them all the best and eternal happiness! 陳:是的,我們想要您在新的一年,開心天天!祝福減祝福,是祝福的起點(diǎn)!

Chen: Yes indeed, we wish that with the arrival of a brand new year, all of you will be cheerful and happy always. This is will be the beginning of many many happy returns!


Cao: Happiness multiplied by happiness equals infinite happiness. Happiness divided by happiness equals a singular, priceless happoiness.

合:祝福您新年快樂,幸福平安!——樂隊(duì)演奏 生日祝福【123樂隊(duì)】(20:30)

Li: Let us all wish you: A Happy New Year, and Peace and Harmony! -- Band plays Happy Birthday song.


5. Family Game Playing


1. Family Game

2.繡球傳情 20:45

2. Passing of Mitten Ball


Li: Do you like to watch beautiful models walking on the runway?


Li: Of course. Attractive girls and handsome guys gathering together, what a treat!


Li: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are all in for a treat when we present our next program, which is a fashion show where beautiful and handsome models will parade right before your own eyes, and show off the colorful and latest fashions. Are you all ready to see the show?


Li: Yes, not only are we ready, we cannot wait for the show to get started. So without further ado, please give a warm welcome to our beautiful models. (Model will show off fashions on stage)



Li: Wow , that was quite an extravaganza! We have just witnessed a unique style of catwalk – casual but elegant; a special kind of stage presence – subtle yet energetic; an extraordinary presentation – enormously pleasing to the eyes and the senses!


Li: You have done a lot of talk, now it is your turn to show some actions. Are you prepared to present a special kind of performance to us?


Li: Well, I am prepared to present a kind of dating game to the audience. Audience, I guess most of you have seen the movie: ―If You Are the One‖ or ―Let’s go on a Date‖?


Li: Of course, we have seen both the movies. Are you saying that you have invited those actors in the movie to appear live on stage?


Li: No hurry. Actually, what I am prepared to present to all of you live on stage is, the Passing of the Mitten Ball game! Let us all jump in and participating in this exciting game!


6. Performances:


1, Singing and Guitar Playing (by Overseas Guest)


2. Stage Play (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) – by Foreign Language School


Rock Band Performance


Li: The game really brought out the best of many of your emotions and hope that you have indeed able to hook up with an ideal partner of your dream! Ok, have you all noticed that right behind the stage, we have an overseas guest who is very eager to come on stage to play his guitar and sing a song for our listening pleasures. So, let us give him our loudest cheers to invite our overseas guest to come on stage to sing to his

own accompaniment on the guitar.


Li: Thank you our friend from foreign land. His song and guitar playing are so good that they will stay in our mind for a long time.


Li: I agree that that was a great performance. We are now ready to proceed to the next exciting performance. Now I would like you to lead our audience in reciting out loud the title of this famous fairy tale.


Li: Well, give us the command, and I will respond and lead the audience to help me to yell our loud … 陳:漂亮的公主,壞皇后,魔鏡,小矮人,王子。(互動(dòng))

Li : You all know the children’s story that tells the story of a beautiful princess, the wicked Queen, the Magic Mirror, the seven dwarfs, and of course, the handsome prince

陳:是的,《白雪公主》這出舞臺(tái)劇就要在今夜上演了......——舞臺(tái)劇《白雪公主》外語學(xué)校(21:00) Li: Yes, in a few minutes, the talented children of the Foreign Language School will perform a stage play of: All together now: ―Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!‖


Li: After seeing this stage play, it brought back many fond childhood memories. We thank the children of the Foreign Language School for putting on such a wonderful and exciting play.


Li: Are you feeling slightly inferior that you do not have as good acting talent as those cute little children? Ha ha! Well, now we will sit back, relax, and enjoy the musical performance of our resident band – the 123 Band!

七.幸運(yùn)抽獎(jiǎng) ——(21:20)

7. Lucky Prize Drawing


Li: I am feeling so high for some time now, so this will be a good time to start some other group activities. 曹:哈哈,不要誤會(huì),可不是讓大家繞著萬泉城跑一圈哦,我們這一輪迎來的是最應(yīng)該動(dòng)動(dòng)起來的《幸運(yùn)抽獎(jiǎng)》環(huán)節(jié),在這特別的夜晚,一起動(dòng)起來,爭取到來年的好運(yùn)不斷!

Li: Ha ha, please don’t misunderstood what we are saying. We do not mean the group activities to involve all of you to jog around Vanqun City. The Group activities we are referring to are the Lucky Prize Drawing program, which on this auspicious night, will get all of your blood boiling, and hopefully will bring endlessgood luck to you for the years to come!


Li: From the look of many sweaty foreheads, it appears that all of you have been eagerly and anxiously hoping for good fortune to call on you to win one of the prizes. Even those of you who did not draw any prizes, don’t despair. Because Vanqun City turns out to be a very giving Angel; we will now distribute many of the gifts to make sure that all of you are winners in tonight’s festivities.


8. Family Games


1. Lucky Display


2. Funny Riddles

曹:那大家還想不想要啊。(互動(dòng))要不咱們一起接下來再來玩玩游戲,把接下來的祝福再派發(fā)出去? Li: Do you want to get more gifts? If you do, let us all play some more games so that we can give away more lucky prizes.

陳:接下來的游戲(報(bào)活動(dòng)規(guī)則)就是給我們慈祥的圣誕老人貼鼻子和趣味搶答!貼中圣誕老人的鼻子和答對者我們都將會(huì)有精美的圣誕禮品送上哦。來,有請我們的圣誕老人......——親子游戲【幸運(yùn)張貼 趣味搶答】(21:30)

Li: Now I would like to say a few words about the rules of the game (Game Rules Announcement) The game is very simple, the contestant will be blindfolded and attempt to stick a note on the nose of our gentle Santa Claus. We will also ask some funny riddles. Those who get the answers right will be awarded many sumptuous prizes. Ok, now, we would like to invite Santa Claus to come on stage. ---- Family Games


9. Performances


1. Latin Dance


2. Property Owners Team Performance


3. Choir (Foreign Friends)


Li: This is an exciting event. Looks like all the gifts have been given away, and many people will be going home bearing prizes and gifts. 陳:接著這激情飛揚(yáng)的氣氛,有請舞蹈演員給我們帶來的一段音樂熱情洋溢,節(jié)奏快捷強(qiáng)烈,動(dòng)作流暢大方,舞姿動(dòng)感富有獨(dú)特個(gè)性的拉丁舞表演,請欣賞!——拉丁舞(21:40)

Li: While the emotions are still high and hot, we would like to present the next performance from the professional dancers who will perform a high-tempo, quick-action, emotionally-charged Latin Dance! Enjoy!


Li: The gentle night light, the joyful time that we shared. Vanqun City is indeed an attractive night spot bathing under the bright moonlight.


Li: Yes, here, every blade of glass, every stick of stems, every person and every events bring unlimited imagination and emotional good feelings.


Li: For our next program, get ready to enjoy an enchanted melody accompanied by an unforgettable dance

routine, put your hands together to welcome the Property Owners Team who will perform a Song and Dance for our viewing and listening pleasures.


Property Owners Team Performance


Li: The dance performance depicted a very intriguing story line, and managed to bring out an unforgettable memory.


Li: Let us relish in the joyful throbbing of our heats, to appreciate the brilliant promises of that life will bring us in the upcoming New Year.


Li: Yes, let us all cherish what we have now, In order to compose the soundtrack for our future in life. Choir Singing (by Overseas Friends)


10. Masquerade Party


Li: We wish to thank our foreign friends from abroad to sing such wonderful English song for us. Next, we will now put on our harlequin masks, and dance to our hearts delight without any care in the world! So, everybody, grab your masks, and let’s Dance! Dance! Dance!


11. Conclusion

1、結(jié)束曲 樂隊(duì)演奏【123樂隊(duì)】

1. Ending Song


2. Ending speeches by the Hosts

陳:圣誕的鐘聲將要響起,今夜的晚會(huì)也將要拉上帷幕,歌聲依舊回蕩在耳際,心情依舊澎湃不已。 Li: The bells of Christmas will soon toll, the evening’s party will soon draw its curtain to a close, the songs and melodies still linger in our ears, our hearts still aflutter with excitement and anticipation.


Li: This has been a wonderful party, with many touching performances. Because we are all gathered together here, we are able to share and enjoy these happy times; because of Christmas, we are able to receive boundless well wishes.

陳:尊敬的各位業(yè)主們、各屆朋友、媒體朋友們,讓我們真心地祝愿:Merry Christmas!圣誕快樂! Li: To all our honored property owners, all our distinguished guest and beloved friends, all our friend from the various media outlets, we sincerely want to wish you all: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 曹:愿圣誕老人把我們今晚許下的所有心愿一一實(shí)現(xiàn)。

Li: We also hope that Santa Claus will make each and every of our wishes come true,


Li: We will see you next year!


Vanqun Introduction


Li: Dear friends, love is always around you, because of you and I, rainbows will come up tomorrow. 女:我們共同走過人生的風(fēng)雨歷程,親愛的朋友,是你們見證了萬泉的一步步成長!

Li: We will walk through life’s many challenges hand in hand, and dear friends, you can be sure that that Vanqun will be with you every step of the way.


While we navigate from one year to the next year, Vanqun would like to thank all our guest for your valuable support and affection by premièring our most ambitious project in the sunny city of Beihai. We have enlisted our Sales and Marketing Company to publicize this gift to the most beautiful city by the beach in southern coast of China. (Use PPT to promote our new properties.)


合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Lily: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears,

Obama: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves,

Anne: with the kindest Santa Clause in red walking towards us 合: Let’s shout, “Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!”

Jack: Hello, I’m Jack. I’m honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the Entire Staff of TianTian Education(天天教育中心,不知這樣對不?), I wish all of you a happy Christmas Eve.


Lily: Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.


Obama: First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mrs. Wang, to give us a welcome speech.


Anne: Thank you, Mrs. Wang.


Jack: Now, the first program, all the students sing the song “Silent Night” with Santa Clause.

Lily: What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody.

Obama: Anne,at this special moment, I can’t be more excited. How about you?

Anne: Of course, Obama, me too. And I dare say that I’ve never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Obama: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess our audience can’t wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?(可能這里很羅嗦,需要精減)

Anne: It’s just the truth. So now, let’s enjoy the second program. Semichorus: Edelweiss and Santa Clause is coming to the town.

Jack: Thanks for their great performance!

Lily: Have you heard the Christmas story? Tonight, Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen will tell you a Christmas story. Let’ s welcome them.

Obama: What a funny story! Thank you two. Please applaud for Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen.

Anne: Oh, here comes the first exciting moment, games time, “biting apples”. We need 10 students to bite these apples, the student who can bite the apple first is the winner. Then you can get the apple and Santa Clause will give you a present.(不知道這個(gè)游戲具體該怎么說,全盤否定也沒關(guān)系)

Jack: It’s very interesting, isn’t it?

Lily: Yes. We are very happy. But I have a question. What can you do when you are hungry? Cooking by yourselves or asking for your parents? Today our little lions will give you an answer. Please enjoy a play “I am hungry”.

Obama: Thanks for their exciting performance. Well done!

Anne: Boys and girls, the exciting moment is coming, the lucky draw! Obama: Let’s invite our Father Christmas. Please draw out the wish cards for us. We’ll satisfy their wishes.

Anne: How lucky they are!

Jack: Have you heard the story of Three Little Pigs? Please enjoy Three Little Pigs, played by the second grade students.

Lily: How lovely they are! Thanks for their interesting performance!

合:Everybody, put on your masks and dance with the music. Let’s end our Christmas Eve with dancing! See you next year, have a good dream tonight!
