
| 小龍0



女:Good afternoon, dear teachers and friends Welcome Institute of Public to attend our English Reading Contest. In today‘s show. There are ( )contestants. They are coming from different majors and different Grades. I hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better .These experiences will be very useful for the students. So I hope we’ll have a good time. and merry Christmas.


( ) 名選手參賽,他們來自不同的專業(yè)不同的年級。我們希望通過這次比賽,大家能夠交流如何更好地學(xué)習(xí)英語的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。當(dāng)然在此祝大家圣誕快樂!

女: English is now used everywhere in the world.


合:Happy English ,happy life. 快樂英語,快樂生活。

女:we are very happy to host this English reading contest .


女:Let’s introduce our judges.


女: our headmaster Mr.Xiao .welcome

男: 歡迎我們的肖校長。

女:our academic director Mr.Liu .welcome


女:lets warmly welcome the judges.


女:First I will introduce the competition rules.








女:Now let’s begin. Let’s welcome the first ,

男:下面有請一號選手( )上場,請二號選手( )做準(zhǔn)備。


女:Contestant No.1 scored ( )points. Let’s warmly welcome contestant No.2.

男:一號選手最后得分( )下面有請二號選手( )上場,請三號選手( )做準(zhǔn)備。請?jiān)u委老師為二號選手打分。

女: And after all the contestants finished their Reading, let’s warmly welcome our Business English Class to give us a show. Now, we are taking a break.


女:Thank you for your wonderful performance.


女:Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the English Reading Contest.


女:After our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.


女:First, I would like to announce the third winners:

女:首先,我要宣布的是第三名獲得者 :

男:And then, the second winner:


女:Ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? How exciting the moment is! 男:女士們,先生們,你能感受到這激動的時刻嗎?好激動啊!

女:Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winner:


女:Now,let’s welcome the winners to come onto the stage. And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners


女:ladies and gentlemen, let’s bring the winners with warm of applause.


女:Now, lets’s welcome our headmaster Mr.Xiao give us a talk.


男:Thank you for the headmaster’s wonderful speech.


女:Well,how exciting today’s contest is! But now I have to say : That’s all , thank you! 男:今天我們的比賽現(xiàn)場精彩無比。但是,現(xiàn)在我不得不說:“我們的演講比賽結(jié)束了!謝謝大家的參與!”

合:Thanks for coming. Goodbye!


一、 1、good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English compitition of our school.各位老師,親愛的同學(xué)們,大家下午好,歡迎大家參加今天的英語朗讀比賽。

2、we`re very pleased to be the hosts for today`s compitition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我們很高興能為大家主持今天的比賽。

3、now you are watching the first “welcome new year”english speech contest.from now on ,we`ll have it every year, I hope everyone can get ready for it as early as possible. Thank you for coming to this afternoon`s compitition .這是我們學(xué)校首屆“迎新年”英語演講比賽,以后我們每年新年來臨之際都會繼續(xù)舉行英語演講比賽,我希望大家以后能早點(diǎn)為此做好準(zhǔn)備。

4、in today`s compitition,we have 2---5 contestants from each class.there are________contestants all together.they are coming from different classes of different grades.這次比賽每班有2——5名選手參加,所以我們的參賽選手共有-------名,他們來自不同的年級和班級。

5、i hope we can experiences of how to learn english better,these experiences will be very rseful for the students in our school.so I hope we`ll all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通過這次比賽,大家能交流如何更好的學(xué)習(xí)英語的經(jīng)驗(yàn),這對我們的英語學(xué)習(xí)將會有很大的幫助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜這次機(jī)會。

二、ok, now,let`s warmly welcome our headmaster,Mr Yuan to make remarks.下面歡迎咱們的袁校長給大家講話。

三、Ok,now,I think it`s better for me to introduce our judges,they are our English teachers.This is Mr/Ms_____,Let`s warmly welcome.接下來我向大家介紹今天的評委,也就是我們的英語老師-----

四、1、Now ,I think it`s time for show our English speech contest starts.first,Let`s warmly welcome contestant No.1______,his/her topil is “______”,and contestant No.2,get ready,please.現(xiàn)在比賽正式開始,歡迎1號選手上場,他朗讀的題目是————,請2號選手做準(zhǔn)備。

2、The next one making a speech for us is contestant No.2_______,Let`s welcome.And contestant No.3 get ready please.下面上場的是2號選手,請3號選手做準(zhǔn)備。

3、Let`s continue the compitition.The next will be No.3______please.His/Her topic is ___________and contestant No.4,get ready please. (contestant No.1________the last mark is_______).接下來上場的是3號選手,他演講的題目是___________,請4號選手做準(zhǔn)備,同時我宣布1號選手最后得分________分,

4、Now it`s time for No.4______,No.5 get ready please, (contestant No.2________the last mark is_______).下面該4號選手上場,請5號選手做準(zhǔn)備,同時宣布2號選手最后得分______。

5、Now let`s come to another topic_______,Welcome contestant No.5_____,and contestant No.6,get ready please.(contestant No.3_____the last mark is _____).下面我們來欣賞5號選手帶來的___________,請6號選手做準(zhǔn)備,同時宣布3號選手最后得分————,

6、Welcome contestant No.6______,His/Her topic is “______”and contestant No.7,get ready please. (contestant No.4________the last mark is_______).請7號選手做準(zhǔn)備,同時宣布4號選手最后得分____。

7、Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.7_____,her topic is____,and contestant No.8,get ready please,(No.5______the last mark is ______).下面熱烈歡迎7號選手上場,他演講的題目是___________,請8號選手做準(zhǔn)備,5號選手最后得分_________。

8、The next contestant`s topic is also ______,now ,let`s welcome No.8_____,And contestant No.9,get ready please.8號選手為我們帶來的也是___________,請9號做準(zhǔn)備。

9、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is No.9`s show.Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.9_______And No.10 get ready please.各位老師,同學(xué)們,下面歡迎9號________上場,請10號做準(zhǔn)備。

10、Let`s warmly welcome the last contestant No.______get onto the stage and give us a wonderful performance.His/Her topil is ______.下面熱烈歡迎我們的最后一位選手_______上臺來做精彩演講。

五、Wonderful!These _______contestants give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen.after all the contestants finished their speeches,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Now,we are taking a break,let`s get down to the next show.Now let`t warmly welcome our headmaster Mr Yuan to make remarks.


六、Good afternoon,everyone,welcome back to the first”welcome New Year”English speech contest,And now you are watching the final,After our judges`discussion,now the resulthas come out,(Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exating the moment).各位老師,同學(xué)們,大家好,經(jīng)過評委老師們的最后評定,激動人心的時刻來到了。

2、first,I world like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等獎獲得者是___________

3、and then ,the second winners:二等獎獲得者是_____

4、Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exciting the moment!Can you feel the most exciting moment?right!now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________各位老師,同學(xué)們,最激動人心的時刻就要來臨了,大家想不想知道一等獎是誰?好,下面我要宣布的是:一等獎獲得者為_____班______,______ _____,

七、1、Now,let`s welcome the third winners_______to come onto the stge.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有請三等獎獲得者_(dá)__________上臺,并請我們的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)上臺頒獎。

2、And then second winners,please.__________下面有請二等獎獲得者————上臺領(lǐng)獎。

3、Ladies and gentlemen ,let`s bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.最后讓我們以熱烈的掌聲有請一等獎獲得者_(dá)__________上臺領(lǐng)獎。

4、Well,how exciting today the contest is !That`s all for today`s contest but I hope that we can keep on studying English warmly.First we should listen to the teachers carefully in class .second we should spend more time in listening,speaking,reading,writing,And then we should also practice English with classmates as much as possible and as often as possible ,Come on,everyone!


5、OK,well,no matter how exciting to day the contest is!but now ,I have to say,That`s all for today ,thank you!最后,我宣布付莊鄉(xiāng)中心學(xué)校第一屆“迎新年”英語演講比賽到此結(jié)束,請各班同學(xué)按秩序退場。


1、Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English reading compitition of our school. nice to see you here!! ( nice to see you here你要重讀.)


2、I’m very pleased to be the hosts for today`s compitition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我們很高興能為大家主持今天的比賽。

3、In today`s compitition,we have 8 classes all together.they are coming from different grades.這次比賽有8個班參加,他們來自不同的年級。

4、I hope we can communicate how to learn English better,these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so I hope we`ll all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通過這次比賽,大家能交流如何更好的學(xué)習(xí)英語的經(jīng)驗(yàn),這對我們的英語學(xué)習(xí)將會有很大的幫助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜這次機(jī)會。 5、Ok,now, I think it`s better for me to introduce our judges,they are :vice-principal—Mrs Yu (Let`s warmly welcome讓我們熱烈歡迎),Our director—Mrs Li.And all of our English teachers—Mrs Qi,Miss Wu,Mrs

Zhang,Mrs Rong,Miss Zheng and me.接下來我向大家介紹今天的評委,她們是于校長,李主任,和我們所有的英語老師:齊老師,吳老師,張老師,榮老師,鄭老師和我。

6、Ok, now,let`s warmly welcome our principal:Miss Yu to tell us the contest rules.下面歡迎咱們的 于校長給大家講一下比賽規(guī)則。

7、Now ,I think it`s time to show our English reading contest starts.First,let`s warmly welcome class 1 grade 5,and class 2 get ready,please.現(xiàn)在比賽正式開始,歡迎5.1班商場,請2班做準(zhǔn)備。

8、The next one making a reading for us is Class 2.Let`s welcome.下面上場的是2班,讓我們歡迎。

9.Now it`s time for Class 1,grade6 and Class 2,get ready please.下面該6年1班上場,請2班做準(zhǔn)備。

10.、Welcome Class 2,please.有請2班上場。

11、Wonderful!These 4 classes give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen,after all the contestants finished their reading,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Please wait a minute.今天這2個班級的表現(xiàn)實(shí)在太精彩了,下面我們的評委們要對各位選手的最后得分進(jìn)行討論匯總,請稍等。

12. Ok,after our judges’ discussion,now the result has come out.好了,經(jīng)過評委老師們的最后評定,結(jié)果現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)出來了。

First,I’d like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等獎獲得者是___________

And then ,the second winners:二等獎獲得者是_____

Now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________好,下面我要宣布的是:一等獎獲得者為_____班_____.

13、Now,let`s welcome the winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有請獲獎的班級__________上臺,并請我們的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)上臺頒獎。Moniter班長

1、After the wonderful show,Let`s continue the compitition.The next will be Class 1,grade 7 and Class 2,get ready please. (一輪精彩的表演結(jié)束后,讓我們繼續(xù)進(jìn)行比賽,接下來上場的是7年1班,請2班做準(zhǔn)備

2.Welcome Class 2,please.有請2班上場。

3、Now it`s time for Class 1,grade 8 and Class 2,get ready please.下面該8年1班上場,請2班做準(zhǔn)備。

4、Welcome Class 2,please.有請2班上場。

5. Thanks for bringing us the wonderful performance。感謝為我們帶來的精彩的表演。These four classes give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen.after all the contestants finished their speeches,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Please wait a minute.今天這2個班級的表現(xiàn)實(shí)在太精彩了,下面我們的評委們要對各位選手的最后得分進(jìn)行討論匯總,請稍等。

6. Ok,after our judges’ discussion,now the result has come out.好了,經(jīng)過評委老師們的最后評定,結(jié)果現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)出來了。

First,I’d like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等獎獲得者是___________

And then ,the second winners:二等獎獲得者是_____

Now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________好,下面我要宣布的是:一等獎獲得者為______.

7、Now,let`s welcome the winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有請獲獎的班級__________上臺,并請我們的各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)上臺頒獎。

8、Well,how exciting today the contest is !That`s all for today`s contest but I hope that we can keep on studying English warmly.First we should listen to the teachers carefully in class second we should spend more time in listening,speaking,reading,writing,And then we should also practice English with classmates as much as possible and as often as possible ,Come on,everyone!今天各位選手的表現(xiàn)都很棒,今天的比賽雖然結(jié)束了,但是我希望以后同學(xué)們學(xué)習(xí)英語的熱情能一直保持下去,首先上課要專心聽講,每天多抽出一些時間練習(xí)英語,多聽,多說,多讀,多寫,多想,還要盡可能用英語多和同學(xué)交流,練習(xí),讓我們大家一起努力,用自己辛勤的汗水,學(xué)好英語,好不好?

9、OK,well,no matter how exciting today the contest is!But now ,I have to say goodbye ,thank you!最后,我宣布英語朗讀比賽到此結(jié)束,請各班同學(xué)按秩序退場。
